This lovely pic has popped up this morning

04 Apr 2015
This lovely pic has popped up this morning
03 Apr 2015
So we have taken a look at Perfects Effects upgrades for the combiner wars Menasor so its only fair we take a look at the plans for Superion. And we must say as much as we already love Superion, the really do make quite a difference.
Take a look and let us know what you think.
You can pre-order your set here.
03 Apr 2015
We think we need these, what do you guys think?
These do look rather cute, and the mmpr have removable helmets!!! They may find a way to our collection.
Are they something you would like to see in the Kapow toys store? let us know.
03 Apr 2015
Take a look at the review here
03 Apr 2015
Look at these… Even if you didn’t like the style of the Turtles in the latest TMNT movie, you have to admit these do look rather nice!
These beauties are coming from Threezero, and we shall be keeping our eyes peeled for some more images of them, thats for sure!!
03 Apr 2015
Some Teaser images coming from MMC Today…. Does this get your robo juices flowing?