The upgrade sets are now in stock here:
purple: http://www.kapowtoys.co.uk/perfect-effect-pc-02-combiner-upgrade-set-purple.html
Black: http://www.kapowtoys.co.uk/perfect-effect-pc-01combiner-upgrade-set-black.html
22 May 2015
The upgrade sets are now in stock here:
purple: http://www.kapowtoys.co.uk/perfect-effect-pc-02-combiner-upgrade-set-purple.html
Black: http://www.kapowtoys.co.uk/perfect-effect-pc-01combiner-upgrade-set-black.html
22 May 2015
The internet has blessed us with some nice clear images of the upcoming Road Rage.
If this guy is one your collection needs then you can pre-order him here:
Deposit: http://www.kapowtoys.co.uk/transformers-masterpiece-mp26-road-rage.html
Full order: http://www.kapowtoys.co.uk/transformers-masterpiece-mp26-road-rage-2713.html
22 May 2015
Cant get enough of the new Titan class Devastor? Good, because here are some more pictures, this time with a nice size comparison.
22 May 2015
Hasbro have given us some lovely pictures of the SDCC version of Devastator out of his box. Take a look here.
21 May 2015
Dx9 released their version of Astrotrain this month, Chigurh, and we have had a chance to have a good play with him now. It has left us asking the question why haven’t more people been talking about him? In our humble opinion this guy could quite possiblely be the best version of astrotrain we have gotten our hands on.
He is a nice BIG ROBOT with tons of articulation and details, and its possibly the closest representation of the character we have had yet.
We would love to hear what you guy ‘n’ gals think, so please let us know. Here are a few pics for you to take a look at.
21 May 2015
Here are some image of the SDCC exclusive Devastator in packaging. oooooh