I may not be a G1 purist, but I do like my Combiners to be Purely G1. Well as far as to say in terms of the core members. All those of you who feel the same, we are in luck. Take a look at the picture below.

21 May 2015
I may not be a G1 purist, but I do like my Combiners to be Purely G1. Well as far as to say in terms of the core members. All those of you who feel the same, we are in luck. Take a look at the picture below.
20 May 2015
He may not have been the Leader he had hoped But he is still an awesome looking figure!!! This is certainly one figure we cannot wait to get out hands on! Here are some pics to wet your appetite. #
Pre-orders for the Hasbro release have now sold out, but you can still pre order the Takara version here:
11 May 2015
06 May 2015
04 May 2015
Badcube have released these images today of some lovely looking insect bots.
04 May 2015
FansToys have relesed these awesome images of their test shot for the 4 member of the dino team. ‘Stomp’. Take a look and tell us what you think.