Photos by Kodimus Prime
Knock Knock. Who’s there? Not ‘Nok. I already said who’s there?
The first I ever saw of this guy was a one page picture in a Maketoys catalogue back at TFCon 2014, then I was lucky enough to see the prototype at Botcon 2015. I was sold on the very first picture, not just as Scorponok has some fond childhood memories for me, not just because I’m a Maketoys 100 percenter, but because it looked awesome.

I’m a huge fan of both Maketoys Utopia and Dystopia, as well as Planet X’s maiden offering Genesis, can this big boy measure up?
First impressions say: YES!

The first thing a lot of people notice is that the shipping case is actually the box packaging, there is no smaller full-colour packaging inside as there was with Utopia, Quantron or Nero Rex, but some retailers mitigate this by poutting an outer shipping case around the shipping box. However, once you’ve opened the box you have a heavy, solid build, with some great joints which is instantly impressive!

A little assembly is required as he is packaged between modes to cut down on space (the box is big enough already thank you), you have to attach those huge feet pistons to his lower legs as this gives him extra stability, and you need to attach the tail which requires a single screw to hold it in place – thankfully Maketoys has already inserted the screw partially into the hole, which makes locating the correct screw-hole very easy; a genius touch as some people hate any assembly. No small screw-driver included as there has been with releases with BadCube Sunsurge or KFC Transistor, which is a shame.

I also have to point out that the lack of screw-hole covers is also a minor annoyance for a figure of this size and quality, as screw-holes in his shoulders are fairly visible. Sure, he’s a little more hollow in places (mostly the claws) than I would have liked, but with this and the screw-hole covers, I have to ask if maybe we were spoiled by the almost perfection of Utopia?

If it seems like I’m nit-picking; I am. This is a huge chunk of change for any collector, but also one of the most rewarding collecting experiences I have ever had (taking me right back to 8 year old me opening up Scorponok who took me an entire Summer to save up for), I want anyone who commits to the figure to know exactly what to expect so they can make an informed choice.
Mucking about with this guy is GREAT FUN. The joints are heavy, but never hard work or panic inducing. The poseability and balance is stunning (although looking at those Humberto Ramos feet, I’m not surprised), and unlike say, Genesis, Pandinus has no problems holding out this arms in any direction with weight on them. Joints. Are. SOLID! (solid as a rock) I’ve also had him balanced on one foot ready to crush any small bots that try to run around him, with no problems.
The fact that you can remove the claws to have actual hands is a nice gimmick on paper, but in hand it completely changes the figure. For the better? Not really better or worse, just different. It actually creates the illussion of a change in posture; Pandinus stands somehow taller and less hunched without his claws, giving him a leaner, younger look. It’s great to have options!

His tail is wondrous, big and in your face, and a perverse twist on the classic faction logo. I love it. The shoulder cannons are huge, and the floating knees are engineered so they never get in the way. Weapon wise, the rotating barrel in his gun is a great touch, and his claw-shield is MASSIVE. Special attention has to be given to his head, as what is Scorponok without a Headmaster? Aggressive, mean, a perfect visor, and a little Padawan-esque rat tail (surely Pandinus is the master here). And a compact little triple changer all on his own to boot!

I’ve still not gotten past the awesome robot mode, and I want to take a week or so to get fully immersed in the toy before I can give you my full feelings on this impressive behemoth. But wow. Just wow. Check back next week as I cover the transformation and alt. modes in full. Thanks for reading.

Other figures in the Maketoys Citybot scale are available for pre-order at Kapow, Pandinus has sold out already. Check the site regularly and stay tuned to social media for updates.

Temple Mode

Photos by Kodimus Prime, follow him on Facebook here and Instagram here.