So Hasbro have revealed they are doing their very own Impactor….. However, it will not be a mass release.


Impactor is going to be the 6th figure from the Transformers Collector Club (Official).


He looks very nice, but for me MMC Spartan will be a lot easier  to get hold of , and a more accurate depiction of Impactor.

  • 11753290_937695466289432_1376107071850577584_nMMC_Spartan_5
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So we got our first taste of the Maketoys mp scaled pie, and it tastes good! Cupola Is (in our opinion) a stunning figure, made well, with loads of articulation what more could we ask for.

So it is with excitement that we look at pictures of the upcoming releases in this line of figures.

Gundog (which is a much better choice of name than some others I could mention) is shaping up very nicely. With 2 different paint apps being released. Take a look at the pictures here:

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With a lovely looking range of others soon to follow.

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So Planet X have now shown us the final piece to their (not) Dinobots puzzle.. Vulcan.


What do you guys think? Is he different enough from Hasbro’s FOC Grimlock? Take a look at the pictures and let us know what you think.

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Maketoys have put out some pics via their Facebook page of this awesome lookinkg little fella

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For me personally one of the most exciting things to be shown at SDCC had to be the Matty Thundercats. After the massive let down from Bandi, I have been, hoping that a new toy company would pick up the licence and do this amazing line of figures justice, and now my hopes are becoming a reality!

Take a look at the pics below and let know your thoughts.

SDCC-2015-Mattel-Friday_headline Mattel-SDCC-Thundercats-03-537x350 2015_SDCC_Mattel_Lion-o IMG_3411__scaled_600 mattel_jackalman2 mattel-sdcc-2015-mattypalooza-thundercats-09-e1436561790529 mattel-sdcc-2015-mattypalooza-thundercats-10-e1436561802402
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