Some more in hand pics of the upcoming Leader Class Ultra Magnus. This is looking so good!

Pre-order yours here:
Some more in hand pics of the upcoming Leader Class Ultra Magnus. This is looking so good!
Pre-order yours here:
10 Apr 2015
SXS Overlocking seems to have a massive claw weapon. so he can now rip the faces of those pesky Desepticons.
If you feel you need this, there is still time:
09 Apr 2015
Here are some pictures of the rather cool Overlocking.
You can still pre-order yours here:
09 Apr 2015
At this point is is most likely obvious that he at Kapow Toys we love Dino robots of all kinds, and we know many of you feel the same. Volar is no exception, and we are even more excited due to the fact that we get a choice of 2 bodies to display him with. this time, we get to see the blue body.
We may even up up with 2, so we can display both options…
There is still time to pre-order one for yourself:
There is still time to pre-order her:
Sorry the video has gone away since this post was created.