Theses pictures of Gigapowers Gutter being all package up has gotten us all excited!!! Have you got yours pre-ordered? if not there is still time!

11070833_1563433030590556_2242389211683743641_n 10686663_1563433017257224_6281494472470952873_n 11070521_1563432980590561_5011996514263663636_n 11045480_1563432963923896_3645994126941662301_n

With This being the first figure from Gigapower the majority are yet to see how the handle a mass release. That being said there is still a lot of hype around this big dino, and that is possibly part of it. he is going be the biggest Dino sitting our collections. as you know here at Kapow Toys  we love BIG ROBOTS!!!!

Gutter defiantly ticks lots of g1 boxes just look at this dino mode…

10409137_798650303549158_2663013397027942737_n 1521725_798138283600360_654164967315116516_n 10360618_798138226933699_2311884312752768657_n10393712_798650220215833_7372492404760607369_n

From the reviews we have seen so far he seems to have a good level of articulation, especially for such a BIG ROBOT!!!!

There also seems to be some superb sculpting and details in robot mode…

10405316_798650106882511_2493790568872830094_n 1661196_798161826931339_6684819319452065320_n 10959345_798151750265680_632925914255021178_n 10406408_798151833599005_1184611594144856003_n 10968539_798151723599016_532483669687358134_n 10959371_798151770265678_7127853228650846472_n 10371989_798151703599018_4921298437001213354_n11102643_628825003883673_9054402457257074709_n

The metallic version also comes with lots of flamey things! (not: the small human is NOT included)

Until we all get our hands on the actual finished product, which hopefully wont be to long now,  we wont know for sure how good all these things are. Hopefully it wont be an echo of the horrible memory from Daca toys Kronos….. shudder….

So to sum up, excited, hopeful, BIG ROBOTS!!

You can still pre-order one for your very own here:


With thanks to Benscollectibles for the use of his lovely pictures

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Here are some picture of some of the new 3rd party transformers we are all looking forward to. If they are available to pre-order, then you can find the link under the picture. Enjoy








11077949_628786493887524_6159997480117125263_n 11140399_628786523887521_4604521286713502410_n 10526115_628786443887529_3374706916552801623_n







11133721_628825053883668_2800287305536506299_n 11124555_628825017217005_1401009827190985982_n 10644586_628824973883676_8159847377126682634_n 10410943_628824983883675_3754370195364369257_n 11102643_628825003883673_9054402457257074709_n 10552570_628825023883671_8221977100011659494_n



















11128756_934290049924525_8245490486664946668_n 10981354_934290026591194_8463065952477905120_n
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There have been quite a few pics of the soon to be released Cyclonus surfacing over the weekend, but just incase you missed them here are a few for you to take a look at…

sgbPBJq_1428341454 qZz5693_1428341454 NSpRYbm_1428341454 liTHzb0_1428341454 j3Yoi63_1428341454 IawGF2f_1428341454 HobGC3R_1428341454 fhVTegA_1428341454 9887b9b_1428341454 5SE5vLN_1428341931 1jSAONE_1428341487 10402415_934264293260434_2417799069611159179_n


Whilst we are not to sure how we feel about the ‘Galvatronus’ mode, Cyclonus himself is looking like a pretty decent re-tooling of Silverbolt.

There is still time to pre-order this guy here:

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