Theses pictures of Gigapowers Gutter being all package up has gotten us all excited!!! Have you got yours pre-ordered? if not there is still time!

With This being the first figure from Gigapower the majority are yet to see how the handle a mass release. That being said there is still a lot of hype around this big dino, and that is possibly part of it. he is going be the biggest Dino sitting our collections. as you know here at Kapow Toys we love BIG ROBOTS!!!!
Gutter defiantly ticks lots of g1 boxes just look at this dino mode…

From the reviews we have seen so far he seems to have a good level of articulation, especially for such a BIG ROBOT!!!!
There also seems to be some superb sculpting and details in robot mode…

The metallic version also comes with lots of flamey things! (not: the small human is NOT included)
Until we all get our hands on the actual finished product, which hopefully wont be to long now, we wont know for sure how good all these things are. Hopefully it wont be an echo of the horrible memory from Daca toys Kronos….. shudder….
So to sum up, excited, hopeful, BIG ROBOTS!!
You can still pre-order one for your very own here:
With thanks to Benscollectibles for the use of his lovely pictures