These really are some beautiful toys, but the, for the price they should be. What do you guys think? Are they something that you will be adding to your collection?
These really are some beautiful toys, but the, for the price they should be. What do you guys think? Are they something that you will be adding to your collection?
01 Apr 2015
OK, so I admit it! i am a sucker for a big robot, and the addition of the new star saber to my collection is testament to that fact.
But in another part of my toy cave (its nothing like a cave, in fact its very well lit, with lots of glass,wood and, well toys…no rock anywhere.. ) there are some very small, but equally awesome transformers. I am of course, talking about the little guys from Iron Factory
I new I wanted these guys from the first time I saw the promo pics. The first set, was Manacle and turrets (sixshot and scamper) and they are scaled to go Hasbro’s Metropelx, and they do this perfectly.
They have been designed well, with some nice transformation, and tons of guns!!!!
The next set was even better (being the massive Blaster fan that I am)
All of these little guys are packed with articulation, and loads of accessories. The sculpts are awesome, not just for their size, just in general!
Then we come to next 2 figure due to be released from Iron Factory
Droooooolll………. I can’t wait to get my hands on these!!
So it would seem that size, is in fact not everything.
01 Apr 2015
It may not be the new Terminator film, But its still some Arnie goodness!!
01 Apr 2015
Some in hand images of the truly awesome looking combiner wars Ultra magnus , have found their way online. He looks so gooooood!!!
Get your pre-orders in now!!
01 Apr 2015
With season 5 of the Walking Dead coming to an epic climax, its got our juices flowing for some new deadness!!!
01 Apr 2015
With the images being released of the latest ‘not’-Dinobot to be coming out, ‘Corelock‘ from toy world.
Are dinobots becoming a large part of your collection? It certainly is the case in our collections, and we must admit we cant get enough!!!! So lets take a quick look at some of the figures that have come out, and will be coming out soon. This is not an in depth review, just a few thoughts on some awesome toys.
We have had some truly awesome offerings over the past year, from the amazing , ‘F.O.C’ styled Planet x dinos,
to massive the combining Shuraking from Gcreations
Here at Kapow we are pretty much just getting every single one that comes out, but then, we do love a dino……or 10.
But we are having a hard time deciding which ones are our favourite. (so far)
Fanstoys offering, are quite simply beautiful,well made, and transform really nicely. So as far as mp scale goes, theses are the ones for us. ( we will have to see how they fair when gutter hits the stocks)
However if its more of a classics scale you are going for, then you have a lot of choice….
Firstly we now have 3 members of the team from Planet X, Caelus, Neptune and the interestingly named, Summanus. With Quirinus following shortly.
These are really nice, well built, with some really nice sculpting on them. These are some of our favourite 3rd party figures of recent times. Definatly worth picking up.
Then we have Toyworlds combining dinos, which, aside from the fact that they COMBINE!!!!!!!! they are also really nice updates, on some g1 classics, with lots of shiny gold chrome.
So far we have Roar and Muddy, and we do like these guys, they seem to be quite underrated. We are sure once the whole team is out, there will be lots of people trying to go back and get the early releases.
Lastly we come to Fansproject. Now these are a mixed bag with the 2 releases we have so far, Columpio wasn’t a bad figure, but did suffer from some loose hips. However Fansproject have said that they will be including some replacement hips for Columpio in there latest figure, Volar.
But then there was Cubar! He was a Beast of a figure!!!! Massive and pointy and massive!!!! he looked like a dinobot should. So if they keep improving the same way with each release this should also be an awesome line of figures.
I personally havent got my hands on the gcreation figures yet. But every body tells me that i need to, as these are also some lovely figures…
So in conclusion, we think we need them all….. but we are weak. What are your favourites so far? Are you collecting all the dinos? Or have you picked a line and stuck to it???
Let us know in the comments bellow….
Many of these figures can be found at www.kapowtoys.co.uk links below: