Over the years, we’ve been blessed with some great exclusives in the UK.
This year we have two great exclusives available for sale at TFNation this weekend!
Kapow Toys will of course be at the show, selling the very excellent Feral Queen and Nero Queen twinpack, this MMC exclusive is only available in limited quantities, but for the awesome price of just £80.

Feral Queen started as an April Fools Joke (a long-standing MMC tradition which seems to confuse and inform more than it catches anyone out), but as is the way with these things, they joke takes on a life of their own and shows that demand for the figure actually exists. It’s cool that fan requests such as this can make it as an exclusive down the way, and I’m sure these figures will make a lot of people happy.

They are both retools of Azalea but with brand new headsculpts from Renderform’s very own Venksta! Nero Queen is intended for use with Nero Rex, the black recolour of Feral Rex. Once you’ve got Feral and Nero Queen from Kapow, time to hunt out Nero Rex (I will have super limited quantities, see below).

I will be there as well, working on the Comic Connections / Sid’s Transformers Toys stall, where we have the UK / European allocation of KFC Scorpinator, a dual exclusive with an American trader which saw their allocation 95% sold out in just 10 days!!!

This obscure toy is based on Action Master Devastators Scorpion companion; Scorpulator! A homage that no-one ever asked for, but people sure seem to love!

There is a hidden third mode as well, but thanks to the amazing interactions of the fandom, we’re up to about 12 modes now, including beetle / elephant, strange robot, tattoo machine and various guns and submarine modes(!) #Hasbrosarcasm

The amazing video review by Thew is available on ThewTube Youtube and has been viewed an astonishing 13,000 times.
In the past, we’ve had the Auto Assembly 2012 Wheeljack > Marlboor conversion kit, the 2013 Badcop (Vehicon General Barricade upgrade), the 2013 Salt Men Basil and Manuel figures, and the 2014 Bluster and Trench (Animated Huffer and Pipes) in Mario and Luigi colours. Not bad for a small little country, eh?
And that’s not all, previous show exclusives by Kapow Toys include Perfect Effect Guardian (Warden repaint homaging Brave Maximus) and the PE11 Scouting Force X Black edition.

Addendum: We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the very first UK show exclusive, available at (the very shortlived official) Botcon Europe 2002 in Cheshunt we had our first and only OFFICIAL UK convention exclusive in the form of Rook, a keychain reissue of Windcharger in awesome colours. Please follow the link here to read up more about this show and exclusive.

So come see Kapow Toys and then me at TFnation this weekend.
Not going to TFnation? Contact us after the weekend to see what’s available.
Thanks for reading, and hope to see you all this weekend! Enjoy, and thanks to the TFNation committee for all the work they’ve put in thus far!